
Overnight Consultation Package:
Ages 4 Months and up
Available only for clients that live within 45 minutes of NYC

  • Sleep assessment of current bedtime routine (Session 1: phone)
  • Dr. Nadel will conduct an in-home assessment of your family’s current sleep routine. You will be provided with a customized sleep plan, and guidance in implementing a daily routine including feeding and naps. Additionally, you will receive lessons on sleep education. In home assessment starts 1 hour before bedtime (Session 2: in home 2 hours).
  • Dr. Nadel’s trained nursing staff will implement the sleep plan for 1 night. They will also guide you on the continuation of the sleep treatment.
  • Sleep Journal in which you track your family’s progress
  • Dr. Nadel will review your progress daily, for 2 weeks via phone
  • 1 wrap-up phone consultation 2 weeks following the last session