Meet Dr. Karen Nadel
Dr. Karen Nadel is a licensed clinical psychologist, specializing in helping children and families that are struggling with sleep issues. Dr. Nadel has been involved in the practice of helping children with sleep problems within hospital settings and in private practice. Additionally, Dr. Nadel provides family therapy and parent training.
Dr. Nadel received her doctorate in clinical psychology from the C.W. Post Campus of Long Island University. She has experience providing psychotherapy to children, adults, and families at Mount Sinai Hospital and St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital in New York City. She has also taught medical students and psychology graduate students in the field of psychology.
Dr. Nadel has used her sleep training techniques on her own children as well. Through a little work, her family has been happily sleeping through the night from their third month on. The lack of sleep in the early days of infancy is still fresh in Dr. Nadel’s mind as she is determined to help other families struggling with sleep issues. |